The Diana camera is easy to use, once you get past the fact that you will need to make a few decisions when taking photographs.
Film: Pick a film and load the camera. Start out with ISO 400. This refers to the “speed” of the film or how sensitive it is to light.
Color or Black&White? Your choice. Color is probably easier to start with, since you can have a lab process the film, but the downside is that it will probably be more expensive the more you shoot. I love the traditional look of B&W film. If you process your own film (very easy to do), you can cut the cost per roll down, and really indulge in your new photo addiction.
The controls:
Shutter: N- about 1/100 of a second, B-Bulb stop, shutter will stay open as long as you hold down the shutter.
Aperture: Sunny, sorta sunny, cloudy, P (pinhole)
Focus: 1-2m or 3-6 feet, 2-4m or 6-12 feet, 4m-infinity or 12 feet to infinity.
How to take your first photo.
Pick a subject
Judge the approx distance to your subject and set your focus accordingly.
Take a look around you and judge how bright it is. Is it sunny, sorta sunny or cloudy?Set your aperture.
Make sure the Shutter selector is on N.
Look through the viewfinder and frame the photo (don’t worry about it too much, the viewfinder isn’t accurate).
Trip the shutter. Advance the film to the next frame.
Repeat as necessary.