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    Entries in thrift store find (7)


    Vintage Camera - Agfa Silette 1

    I finally had a chance to go shooting with my recently acquired Agfa Silette 1. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the lens has nice characteristics. This is a basic 35mm film camera, with a few more controls than one expects on a lower end 35mm camera. An interesting feature of this camera is that it has a countdown film counter. This type of counter tells you how many frames are left, not how many frames you've shot. With a full range of controls, I used a small Gossen light meter to set the exposure.

    Agfa Silette 1

    Film: 35mm

    Shutter Speeds: B, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125

    Apertures: f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11,f/16,f/22

    Zone focussing. Minimum distance 3 ft.

    Miscellaneous: No meter, hotshoe, countdown film counter (you must set it to the number of exposures in the roll when loading)

    Lens: Color Agnar 45mm


    The following photos were shot with Kodak Gold 200 (expired).







    Thrift Store Find: The National Geographic Binocular Camera

    National Geographic Binocular Camera

    National Geographic Binocular Camera

    This is a the National Geographic Binocular Camera that I found at a thrift store. It is a cheap plastic camera, with a 35mm half-frame camera built into the top of the binoculars, using a mirror to capture the image from the center optic between the binocular lenses.

    I haven't run a roll of film through it yet, but I plan to soon.

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