Thrift Store Find: Lomo Smena 35

I've posted 2 new videos to my Youtube channel. The Petzval Lens - Out of the Box and a Petzval Lens tip.
I went shooting with the Petzval lens last weekend and have 1 roll of film processed, but I feel I need a little more time to learn how to make best use of it's unique features. Using a lens of such an old design is a learning experience in of itself! I will post photos as soon as I can.
Petzval Lens - Out of the Box Video:
Lomography Petzval Lens - Out of the Box
Tip for Organizing the Waterhouse stops for the Lomography Petzval Lens
I funded the Lomography Petzval Lens through Kickstarter last summer and received the lens last week. I wanted to go out and shoot with the lens mounted on a Nikon FM2 and digital Nikon D5100. I discovered that there is much to learn when using a old style lens. I need to learn more about shooting the uncoupled lens with the digital camera before I try it again. I was unable to make that combination work, so the lens was mounted to an FM2 and loaded with roll of 35mm Ektar film (100 ISO) for my first outing. I have no doubt that I will be able to use the lens with my digital SLR, but a little research and practice is needed before I take that combo out for my next test shoot.
The lens is beautifully made and a pleasure to hold when mounted on the Nikon F or FM2. I find it amusing that it is harder to use this lens with the more advanced digital camera.
I will post my results and thoughts about my first rolls of film and the lens performance later, when I've had a chance to process and examine my film.
I took my Nikon S2 with me on a walk down to Gasworks Park. Shooting with this camera is a slow, deliberate process. There is no onboard light meter, so I need to stop and take a reading from an external meter. Then set the camera exposure and then manually focus. The feel of the mechanical shutter tripping and the pull of the manual film advance is a tactile pleasure. It embodies many of the things I like about shooting with film cameras.
I just purchased a Russian made Jupiter 12 35mm lens for it. From the research I did on this lens, while not a perfect fit, it should work with this camera.
I built this hybrid Kodak Box Brownie - Polaroid (Polabrownie) some time ago. I cut the "nose" off a plastic Polaroid packfilm camera (probably a Colorpack IV or Supershooter) and attached the filmpack back to the back of th Kodak 2C box camera. Focus distance is about 3 to 3-1/2 feet, which makes it good for portraiture, like a Polaroid Big Shot.
The photo was taken last weekend in early dusk near a window.
When I heard that the deadline for Glazer's Instant Photography contest had been extended. I grabbed a pack of FP100-C and the Polabrownie and took several photos. It took a few tries to get my exposure right.
Film: Fujifilm FP-100C
Exposure: f/5.6 (widest camera aperture) for 6sec.