New Flickr group: Fun with Plastic!

Fun with Plastic! Flickr group
Please drop by the group and upload some of your photos to the group pool.

Photography with a Diana+ is easy to do. Put your camera on a tripod. Set the aperture to Cloudy. Set the shutter to B. If you haven't made one, take a look at my video on how to make a better shutter release lock. Bracket your exposures. I like to do a bracket of 3 exposures. For instance, if you start with 2 minutes (The exposure I used in the above photo), I would also shoot 2 more exposures, one at 1/2 (1 minute) and one at 2x (4 minutes) This is called bracketing your exposure.
Camera: Diana+ Film: Tri-X, Exposure: Cloudy aperture, 2 min. exposure