Thanks for your interest in my twitter posts and in me.
Hello, my name is Kai Yamada, and I am a photographer with a special interest in lo-fi photography (toy camera photography, plastic camera photography, lomography).
I've been using plastic cameras since the mid-1990's. I started out with a vintage Diana clone (a Windsor), that I bought at a thrift store for what I considered to be an outrageous sum of $5. I haven't stopped since. I have a website dedicated to plastic cameras,, where I write about various plastic cameras, techniques and film. In helping others find out more about their Holgas or Dianas, I have discovered that it is often very hard to describe in words how to do something. I've learned that a little video is worth a thousand words. To this end, I create and edit how-to videos for plastic cameras and other types of cameras (35mm and Polaroid). You can find my how-to videos at, or on my youtube channel:
If you have suggestions for things you would like to see me cover, please send them to me via email.
Whom I Follow and Why
People and companies related to photography (we talk shop about cameras, photography and other related areas). People and companies who use my how-to videos. People and companies who provide services that I use. I try and only follow people and companies with related interests because if I followed much more, the amount of "noise" in my twitter feed would be unmanageable, and I wouldn't be able to give back to the community as much as I would like. I review a single page of tweets, so only the most recent message catch my attention. If you want to speak to me, send an @reply or a direct message to kaiphoto. I check these throughout the day and will get back to you. If you are part of Magpie, I will unfollow you.
What I Tweet
Generally, I tweet about:
- Interesting articles I find in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and websites.
- Announcements of my new videos posted on youtube.
- Announcements of my blog posts.
- Slice of life tweets