Diana+ Camera - Inside the Shutter Mechanism

I received an email from someone who had a spring come loose from her new Diana+ and wanted to know if it was something she could fix herself. I took the opportunity to open up my Diana+ camera to see what it looked like. Photo 1 shows the location of 3 small phillips head screws that need to be removed.

Photo 2 shows the location of the 2 springs. The small spring at position 1, is the shutter release return spring and it looks like it would be easy to reconnect if it were dislodged. The spring at position 2 is the shutter spring, which is a very fine wire spring connected at 2 points. This spring looks like it might be more difficult to reconnect. Point 2a connects to the shutter blade wheel. Point 2b is connected to the armature which is actuated by the shutter release.

Photo 2 shows the location of the 2 springs. The small spring at position 1, is the shutter release return spring and it looks like it would be easy to reconnect if it were dislodged. The spring at position 2 is the shutter spring, which is a very fine wire spring connected at 2 points. This spring looks like it might be more difficult to reconnect. Point 2a connects to the shutter blade wheel. Point 2b is connected to the armature which is actuated by the shutter release.

Reader Comments (2)
Do you know if she managed to put the spring back on?
I've had the same thing to me just a few days ago actually with the same camera.
I'm trying to look around the net if anyone has had the same problem with any tips on attaching the spring back on correctly.
I just fixed one of my Diana+ cameras last week, when it stopped working. I plan on shooting a >>how to<< video soon. I'll let you know when I get that posted. It might take a little time, because I think I'll need more post production editing than in my other videos.