China Trip

I realized, after looking at the blog, that I've been talking about my upcoming China trip, and only mentioned it here on the blog when talking about my trip preparations.
The details are not yet completely set, but my wife and I will be traveling to China around the second week of March. We will be in China for 2 weeks, traveling with my brother and his family.
We will spend a few days in Beijing, then on to Chongqing, and then spending the last bit of our trip in Guangzhou. I will try and post as much of my trip preparation as possible, since it might be of interest to others planning on traveling to China.
I've decided against bringing a laptop, so I will be relying primarily on my iPhone enhanced with an international calling plan and Data plan to keep in touch with the world. I will be using it for email as well as posting photos and possibly videos to this blog, Flickr, Twitter and Facebook. Please bear with me as I test out the various components I need to do this while on the road.
I will also be trying to figure out the combination of various cameras that I will bring with me. The problem I have with trips like this, is that I tend to want to bring everything, JUST IN CASE! Since I plan on bringing a small backpack for my camera gear, and a carry-on roller suitcase, I will have to pack carefully, and choose my equipment carefully as well.

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