Thrift Store Finds: Kodak 110 Film Cameras

Now that Lomography has come out with new films for 110 cameras, I have picked up a couple from my local thrift stores. These cost $2-3 dollars each. The one on the left is a Kodak Instamatic 20, a bare bones camera with no exposure controls. It uses the Magicube flashbulbs, which require no batteries. The other camera is a Kodak Tele Instamatic 608, which uses flip flash bars or a special electronic flash unit. This camera also has no exposure controls, but has a little slide switch which flips an auxilliary telephoto lens in front of it's primary lens for a little gain in the lens reach. I am working on my second roll of Orca film loaded in my Kodak Ektra 200 110 film camera. I am looking into labs that can process this film for me, but will probably process it myself, as it looks like the cost of sending it to a lab may be rather expensive.