Lomography Diana+:Technical Specifications

Shutter speed (N setting): 1/60
Sunny: f/22
Partial sun: f/16
Cloudy: f/11
Pinhole: f/150
For pinhole exposure times, go to, and plug in the f-stop of 150.
When shooting long exposures, it is best to bracket.
A simple bracketing strategy:
Determine the base exposure, then shoot 1 exposure at 1/2 the base time, and another at 2x the base time.
Sunny: f/22
Partial sun: f/16
Cloudy: f/11
Pinhole: f/150
For pinhole exposure times, go to, and plug in the f-stop of 150.
When shooting long exposures, it is best to bracket.
A simple bracketing strategy:
Determine the base exposure, then shoot 1 exposure at 1/2 the base time, and another at 2x the base time.